Monday, July 21, 2008

I am four!

"Mama, did u buy the candle?".

"Yes, darling, I did." I said, ,turning around just in time to see a beaming moon-faced son.

Darling son celebrated his fourth birthday two weeks after we 'entered the woods'. Promised him that I will bake a cake for him. But with limited supplies and equipment at home, what can I bake? Hmmm.....

Chocolate Brownies!
It's a ready-mix Brownie pack from the supermarket.

The birthday boy was pleased.

Happy Birthday, my darling son
... Baking with love, from piggymummy .

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Into the Woods ...

The wind blew and the trees swayed.
... "Wisha, Wisha"....  
"Welcome to the Woods", they seemed to say ....

An adventure into the unknown. 

A place we will call "HOME" , for the next five years.
Trees lined the road as we drove along to our apartment. 

Yes, into the "Woods"!
Our apartment is next to a nature preserve! 

The sun shone brightly. 
The cool breeze brushed across our cheeks as we alighted from the car. 

Playgrounds everywhere. 
Toys.  Bicycles, big and small. 

An unfurnished apartment; a small kitchen. 

Kitchen .. The place where we will be having our meals .. the place where piggymummy will be cooking ... with love.