Saturday, August 9, 2008

Horton Hears a Who

We received a brochure that read : 

"Films in the Field".
"Free Movie - Horton Hears A Who"

" Bring Blankets. Free Parking in Lots. Face-painting. Balloons."
" Fun for the whole family"

Wow! Movies! 
When was the last time I watched a movie at the cinema? 
Hey, I can't remember!

Face-painting? FUN!
Bring Blankets?? We don't have blankets for sitting in the fields.
I am not going to spend money buying one. 
We will bring boxes! 
Discarded boxes from our purchases. 
Cut it open and lay it flat on the ground. 

With our packed dinner from Sushi Box, we set off to the field.

Blankets and chairs were seen everywhere. Pillows even!
We were the only ones sitting on opened boxes.
It didn't matter, as the kids happily drew on the boxes while waiting for the movie to start.

It was a long wait. It was already 730pm and the sky was still bright.
We watched as little children, old men and women danced happily to the music of the 70s to the 90s. 

Finally, the movie started at 845pm.
It got colder as the strong wind blew.
The wind got stronger as each minute passed. Jackets were needed.
We were the insulating layer for the kids, as we watched the movie with our arms around them. 

Fourty-five minutes into the show, the screen collapsed! Slowly though.
We left as the strong wind was giving us the chills.

It was a good experience, even though we didn't finish the movie. 
The kids were happy, but tired, as it was way past their bedtime.

We look forward to another movie in the field! 

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