Friday, December 12, 2008

A Cold but Sunny Winter Day

I look out of the window. The sky is a lovely shade of blue.
It is a bright and sunny day.

Ignoring the pile of snow outside, the lovely bright sunshine makes it feel like it is summer. But it's winter now. A sunny winter day. Is it cold?

If looks can be deceiving, so can the weather!
Take a look at the temperature rating on my laptop ... it says ... -13 Celsius! 
It's freezing cold outside! So looks can be deceiving, even when we talk about the weather! 

But I'm not complaining. 
I missed the sun back home.
I get depressed when the sky is gloomy. 
Take a look at the first photograph in the collage and you will know what I mean by gloomy grey sky. The sunny weather sets my mood for the day. I feel energetic and alert. Gloomy and cold? Sunny and cold? 
I choose the latter anytime.

The kids are still excited about the snow, even though it has been a while since it has started snowing. Here's what they love doing on a sunny cold day: Shovel the snow outside the house, on the path, go sledding, and make snow balls! 

What do they do when they are home then?
Homework? This word has been buried under the many inches of snow for weeks. Their favorite home-word for now ... LEGO!


  1. let them enjoy the snow! thrash the homework for now :))
    have they learnt to roll a snowman (and dress it with eyes n carrot nose n scarf n hat) or made a snow angel yet? hee....
    hope teck seng is coping ok, with his home exam... quite a bummer, esp when the dreary weather does nothing to help. hang in there n jia you!

  2. they dont know how to roll a snowman yet. Me neither, haha. Snow angel? Yes! They just love lying in the snow and wave their arms! hmm... will try the snowman one of these days....

  3. to roll a snowman,
    1. start with a small snowball
    2. roll it along on the snow (it will 'grow')
    3. roll around to get it round, continue till desired size
    4. make 2, pile the smaller one on top
    5. finish with 'eyes', carrot nose, mouth (pipe?) twig arms, hat, scarf or others.
    Have fun!
    p.s. wish i can join u to take away some burn-out
