Monday, December 8, 2008

Mr. Big Brush!

When it snows through the night, a thick layer of snow will form on the path the next morning, making it difficult to walk. The path needs to be cleared of snow. Who is going to shovel the snow? 

This is the job for ... Mr Big Brush!

The kids just love watching him clear the path!
They will run to the window to watch, whenever they hear him coming.
They love the way the snow 'splashed' onto our window as the brush clears the snow.

See you tomorrow morning, Mr Big Brush!


  1. We don't like the shovels so much. They shovel the main roads, causing a huge wall of snow bank up on our house paths and the road to our garage, so I have to shovel through huge piles just to get my car out of the garage. :-( but yes, they are fascinating for the kids to watch.

  2. Yes, there are huge piles of snow everywhere after the machine is done with the shoveling of the paths and roads. But it doesnt pose much of a problem to us though. I guess that's bcos we need only to shovel our parking lot, and a little area in front of our house. Unlike yours, a long driveway.
