Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Student of the Week

Darling son's school has this special program called "Student of the Week".

As the 'Student of the Week", you and your family are welcomed to go to class any time during that week, to share your country's culture, songs and dance, crafts, experiments, food, anything ... with the class. A mom from Korea taught the kids how to make rice balls. Yummy. Another family shared growing-up photographs of the student with the class. Interesting. 

We are wondering what we should do since Darling son is the student of the week and we are going to his school tomorrow? 

Darling son is very interested in the solar system. All thanks to the Magic School Bus! He can remember the order of the planets and is able to write the names of the planets without referring to the book. Why not share what he knows with his friends? Darling son is keen to share. For us, it is a good opportunity for him to learn how to speak up to a crowd. We have to go through with him what to say, not for him to memorise his lines, but to ensure he doesn't say so much that we run out of time! 

It is never too early to start a child on any topic.
As long as the child is interested, he will learn.
And he will have fun learning, and enjoy the process as he learns.


  1. lk, Did you have to say something too, as the parent? WHat did you do?

    Well done KW!

  2. We let KW did the talking most of the time. TS helped by prompting him and asking the class questions. It's all up to the family to decide who does the talking =) and you can do anything you like. If T has that in school, he and Paul can perform a musical piece together! THat would be so fun!
