Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cabbage Soup

I love soups.
I love clear soups.
And I love drinking soup on cold winter days.

For this soup, no meat is required as the onions and dried figs add lots of sweetness to this simple soup.

1/2 Cabbage, shredded
8 pcs Dried Figs
2 Small Yellow Onions
500ml Chicken Stock (Store-bought)

  • Clean and cut the cabbage.
  • Cut the onions.
  • Put the cut onions and cabbage into a big saucepan.
  • Add the can of chicken stock to the pot.
  • Add more stock/water if you necessary.
  • Soak the dried figs in warm water for 15 mins.
  • Add the water and dried figs to the pot.
  • Add more water if necessary.
  • Bring the pot to a boil.
  • Lower heat and simmer for another 20 minutes, till the figs and vegetables are soft.
  • Add salt to taste if necessary.

.... I'm missing my mom's soup back home ....

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