Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Community Garden

There is a community garden near the apartment where we stay. 

Anyone interested in getting a plot in the garden can apply in February each year. The planting season starts sometime in April/May, after the frost is gone. 

Some people, like our Russian neighbour, starts his planting in Winter. 
He keeps his "baby" plants inside his house, as it was too cold to leave them outside. The warmth in the house (the heater is still on in February) helps the seeds to germinate, and the plants to grow. He moves these "baby" plants to his garden plot in April/May. 

We do not have a garden plot. 
Instead, we have pots of plants (peppers, tomatoes, coriander) outside our apartment. Since the planting season has already started, it is interesting and educational for us and the kids, to check out the garden on this sunny Sunday afternoon. 

We saw some plots with lovely green vegetables. 
We saw some with pretty flowers : violet, red, orange and white flowers. 

We saw milk containers stuck into the ground : to keep the warmth in and help the seeds to germinate. 

We saw black plastic sheets covering some plots : to keep the rain from "drowning" the seeds.

We saw wire mesh in the plot, all ready for the creeper plants, like cucumber, to crawl up. 

In all, it was an interesting tour for us. The kids were restless after a while, and they ran off to the playground nearby to play instead. 

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