Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Love Spring!

I'm in love with Spring ... 

Look at the leaves sprouting from the branches of trees!
Red maple leaves, green maple leaves, pine-cones ... the trees look "alive" now, with a mop of light green swaying gently as the wind blows ... 

Look at these lovely colourful flowers! 
I see many trees as I walk darling son to school every morning. 
After a long "white" winter, I really can't recall the colours of the different flowers growing on the trees and in the ground! Like what dear hubby said  ... you appreciate Spring more, after Winter! 

I really enjoy watching the leaves and flowers grow, as I walk past them every morning! Although the yellow flowers above are considered weeds, they brighten up the grass area outside my apartment! It is a sea of green, yellow and purple. It brings on a smile each time I look out of the window, especially on a sunny, cloudless day! But weeds are weeds ... the lawn mower came yesterday, and they were 'wiped out' ... sadly. But hey, these are strong-willed flowers! After two days, they are back! The grass area is again, covered by a sea of yellow and purple dots! Lovely! 


  1. Spring IS truly beautiful :)

  2. Autumn is beautiful too, with many colours ... but Spring has a different kind of beauty ... it's full of life and energy!

  3. Beautiful! I love Spring so much too, really cheers us up to see the flowers right?
    Although, it seems your side is much cleaner. hee.

  4. Yes, Anna .. it's beautiful! And I think the air here is definitely cleaner than your side =)
