Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It was another sunny afternoon. Birds were chirping happily on the tree branches. It was time to go and pick darling son up from school. It was just another school day for him, or so I thought ....

The dismissal bell came.
An announcement came shortly ... 
"All students, please go home immediately after school. Do not stay in school. Go home immediately"

Why? Hmmm  .... It definitely didn't sound good to me. 
Maybe the police was looking for some criminal?
Maybe someone hurt some kids in the neighbourhood, and so the kids were asked to go home?
There were so many possibilities .... I did let the kids play outside our apartment, since our neighbours' kids were out too. I informed their parents about the announcement made by the school even though I did not know the reason for it. I warned the kids not to be out of sight and to keep a lookout for strangers. 

So what exactly happened?
In today's news .... from the website Channel 3000 .... 

The man was armed. He shot his ex-wife and fled the murder scene. No wonder the school asked the kids to go home immediately. Although the park which the man was found was a 15-minute drive to the school area, it was a safety precaution well taken. I was so relieved after reading the article this morning, knowing that the man was found.

One mom from the school told me that there was a case where another wanted man hid in the community garden next to the lake. Yet another case of a man hiding in the basement where the laundry room is located. Cases of strange man exposing themselves to kids at the playground, strange man standing and laughing hysterically on the swing where the kids play .... 

It was all to much for me to stomach. I had no appetite for lunch today. 
I stood outside the whole time while the kids were playing .. under the hot sun, dealing with not only my two boys, but another two boys and a girl from two other neighbours ... no wonder my body ached so badly now .... 


  1. thank goodness the guy has been arrested. well well, mothers are always right, aren't they? yours had the foresight to express her exact concerns. I think with the warmer weather, better to keep your guard up since the kids will be outdoors so much. somehow i think freezing weather keeps the crooks in check. take care.

  2. U r rite. Too freezing cold to do much, esp with gloves on! They are out like the ants and bees now.. actually that guy shot himself. he would rather die than go to jail to pay for his deeds.

    Now I go out and watch the boys when they play outside. The other day, my neighbour's two year old boy wondered off to another block. Almost couldnt find him. His mom was carrying another baby in arm, and looking for him, and starting to look a little worried after a while....
