Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Plants

These are the pots of plants we have outside our apartment.
Do you see the long pot, at the far end, with just the potting mix?
We put in the cucumber seeds recently. Wonder if the seeds will germinate.

So what other plants do we have?

Clockwise from the top left :

  • Cilantro! Sprinkle a bunch over noodles and they were delicious!
  • Peppers : When will they fruit? They look like they are growing well.
  • Cherry Tomatoes : Planted these late. No sure if they will fruit. 
  • Big and Sweet Tomatoes : Notice the hairy stems and chopsticks?

From left to right:

This is the marigold plant darling son brought home from school.
They learnt about seeds and plants in May. 
This is my present ... for Mother's Day.
The tiny plant had since grown from two leaves (shoots) to a healthy plant! 
Wonder when the flowers will bloom?

Recognise the leaves? Nice oval-shaped leaves.
That's the pepper plant again. We transplanted it into a yogurt container as we did not have enough pots. We didn't expect it to grow to so tall and big. Looks like we have to transplant it again into another bigger pot .... 

We will going away for three weeks, and I hope that they will continue to grow well during our absence ... 

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