Friday, July 10, 2009

San Franisco - Lombard Street, Golden Gate Park, Pier 39

Rise and shine, it's LAUNDRY time!
Yes, we found a coin-operated laundry near our hotel, about three streets away, which was about a 10-minute walk. Hubby dear brought the clothes over after breakfast, while the kids watched TV in the hotel room. No complaints from the kids when it was time for us to walk to the laundromat to dry the clothes, since they rested the whole morning. The shop reminded me of the episode where Mr Bean was doing his laundry in a coin-operated laundromat! While waiting for the clothes to dry, we had an early lunch at the shop next to the laundromat ... Spicy Mongolian Beef Rice, Fried Chicken (Western) and Fish and Chips. Yummy! 

What's the next stop after taking the clothes back to the hotel?
We took a bus to Lombard Street! The most crooked street in San Francisco!

It was a long uphill walk before we even catch a glimpse of the famous street! The boys were full of energy at the start, running up. Barely a couple of minutes, the little one sat down and said "I'm hungry!" As we rested, many cars past us .. all going up the road, then go down the zig-zag street! We were rewarded with a great view of the city when we finally reached the top!

Gosh, there were so many tourists there! And beautiful houses, with lovely flowers, sat by the sides of the hilly zig-zag street. 

Family photographs at the start of the slope, and at the bottom of the slope!

Since we were near Fisherman's Wharf, we decided to talk a slow walk to the cable car boarding station, to board the cable car back to Union Square. Thank goodness it was a downhill walk! This time, we managed to grab seats at the open side of the cable car, instead of the inside. 

The little one was tired out by all the walking and running. The rocking cable car was like a rocking bed to him .... zzz ..... 

Hubby dear got to stand at the side of the cable car ... What a thrilling ride for him! Backpacks were not allowed on the backs of those passengers standing at the side of the cable car. Why? As cable cars passing each other run very close to each other, and with a backpack, you may be pulled off by bags/hands of other passengers in the other cable car! Interesting! 

Where to next when we reach Union Square?
We decided to reward the boys for walking the slopes to Lombard Street ... to the children's playground at the Golden Gate Park! It was quite a long ride to get there, and again, the little one dozed off ... zzz ... 

The boys were like monkeys unleashed when we reached the playground! 
It was a huge playground that could accommodate children of all ages! From toddlers who just learn to crawl/walk, to teenagers. Most of the bigger kids were found climbing this pyramid structure. It was KW's favourite too! 

The little one loved the slides, the slopes, and the swinging tyre hanging near the pyramid structure. He had a great time going down slides of different heights! 

Even adults loved going down this long cement "slide"!
Take a cardboard, sit on it, and slide!
I had fun watching them slide down =)

It was almost time for dinner when we decided to leave the park.
Instead of going back to Union Square, we went to Pier 39.
The kids were excited they saw the "shark-exhibition" outside the aquarium. 

They got even more excited when they saw a statue of Spongebob!

After a while, it started to get cold and windy. The kids were tired and hungry. Most of the "nice to eat in" restaurants were crowded and at least a 20-minute wait for a table. We settled for "fast-food" instead ... clam-chowder in a bread bowl. Surprisingly, it was very filling. The first picture below showed our lunch, and the other three, our dinner =)

I felt like I was on the amazing race, having covered so many places in a short day! When we asked the boys which place they like best for the day, the answer was "The Playground! That was the best playground!".

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