Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Members of Our Little Garden

Introducing to you, the members in our little garden =)

This plant was brought back by darling son from school, for Mother's Day.
We were pleasantly surprised to see two big orange flowers greeting us when we came back from our vacation! We were glad we had the marigold, as it attracted bees, to help pollinate our other plants. 

Chinese parsley, or coriander.
We cut a handful of fresh leaves from the garden whenever we eat our noodles. But after a while, the stem turned woody, and little white flowers started growing. The fresh leaves stopped growing by then. We threw the plant away after a while.

Big Sweet Tomato Plant
We planted the big sweet tomato plant at the end of spring. We didn't think it would survive, but it did! We are now waiting patiently for the green tomatoes to turn red =)

Cherry Tomato Plant
We planted the cherry tomato plant, thinking that our big tomato plant may not survive. We were then told by our neighbour, that it was too late for planting tomatoes. It might flower but there might not be any fruits. We were a hopeful lot =) 
We thought we could just try, since the seeds had already germinated! I'm glad we didn't give up!

Pepper Plant
Planted the pepper plant together with the big tomato plant. It was doing well, till we caught bugs eating the leaves. After a while, we thought it might just stop growing, since there were just too many leaves with holes on them. We were excited when we saw the first flower, then awaiting patiently for the plant to fruit. 

Cucumber Plant
We planted this very late, since at that time, the temperature was appropriate for growing cucumbers. We were informed that we would need a structure for the plant to 'creep' up.
Only, since there was only a few leaves, we thought just a few short sticks would do the trick. When we came back from our vacation, we were surprised to see leaves 'overflowing' from the pot! It was really messy, as the plant had no structure to 'climb'. It was also interesting to study how the cucumber grow from the flower =) At this time, the biggest cucumber measures 5 inches, and is expected to grow up to 10 inches! 

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