Monday, December 14, 2009

Cheese Brownies

I needed to make some afternoon school snacks for the kids. However, I was running short of time, and didn't want to spend too much time on gathering the ingredients for the bake. So I settled on a pack of premix instead .. Betty Crocker's Brownie Mix. It never failed to bring on a smile when the boys have it as their after school snack. I felt that the usual brownies needed a "make over", so I decided to use up the pack of cream cheese I had in the fridge, and turned them into Cheese Brownies!

It was easy preparing the Brownie mix. All I needed to do was add an egg, more water to get cake-like brownies, and some oil. As for the cream cheese, all I needed was to cream 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla with an 8oz packet of cream cheese, along with an egg yolk and 1/3 cup of sugar. Spread the cream cheese on top of the brownie batter. Use a knife or toothpick to swirl through the mixture. Bake in a preheated oven at 350F for about 30 minutes.

The box of cheese brownies didn't last long ... just enough for an afterschool snack for the boys, and breakfast the next morning =)

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