Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Reading

Here comes Fantastic Mr Fox!
Yes, another book to add to the kids' collection of books by Roald Dahl.

We received a few book order forms from the school two weeks ago. The books were offered at a very reasonable price, and made good reading materials for the holiday. A great addition to what we already have ... The Magic School Bus Science Readers, The Magic Tree House (Story and Research Guide), Christmas Stories, etc.

In fact, darling son liked the books so much, he started reading "Christmas Animal Tales" in school when he received the books. He was so engrossed in his reading that he wanted to continue reading while walking back home from school! Of course it was not possible, especially when the paths and roads were so heavily covered with ice and snow. Well, he continued reading when he got home, and by bedtime he was exhausted.

With the two-week Christmas break, he can read all he wants, and not have to worry about getting up early to go to school! We are happy to see the boys read the books on their own. We are equally happy to read to them before bedtime. Through reading, we get to impart some science general knowledge to them, like teaching them about tsunami, twisters, and weather changes.

I am happy with the purchase, and I enjoy reading the books as much as the boys!

1 comment:

  1. I like the way the school encourages them to read and write... Hopefully the chinese classes in Spring will do the same too!
