Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Break - Learn to Bike!

For two weeks, darling son YW had been biking to school, as the weather had turned warmer. He had four wheels, not two. However, the two little training wheels were raised, and as a result, he was leaning onto either training wheels for support while biking. It was strange seeing him "tilt" to one side.

During the last week of the school term, which was the second week since he started biking to school, we noticed that he was, for quite a distance, balancing and cycling on two wheels! He was no longer tilting to one side. We told him we would remove the training wheels, and he could practice during the Spring Break ... which he did! Just one day, and he was biking on two wheels! Yeah!

He sure had practiced hard during the Spring Break!

When school starts next week, he will be biking to school, along side with his GorGor, on two wheels, not four! I will have to walk fast, really fast, to catch up with them!

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