Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baked Tilapia

It's one of those days when you take out the tilapia fillets and stare real hard at them. You are at a loss.

How should I cook the fish?
What seasoning should I use?

I don't feel like cooking. Take-out sounds good.
Then reality sets in. I'm back in the woods!
Ok, I have to cook =(

With the temperature hitting a high 80F, and I was melting like a stick of butter, I decided to just send the tilapia fillets into the oven. I grabbed whatever I had in hand to season the tilapia fillets, keeping my fingers crossed that they would turn out "edible".

Lemon Juice
Garlic Powder
Ground Black Pepper
Dab of Butter

  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  • Clean and dry the thawed tilapia fillets.
  • Pour some lemon juice onto each fillet.
  • Sprinkle some garlic powder, paprika and ground black pepper onto both sides of the tilapia fillets.
  • Add a tiny dab of butter onto the fillet.
  • Bake at 400F till the fish is done.
  • Serve warm.

The fillets didn't turn out too bad. I liked the lemony taste present in the tilapia fillets while the boys liked the buttery taste. Each of them had a fillet and finished it!

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