Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Frosty and friend are happy this Winter.
So are we! This is our third White Christmas in the woods!

We were dumped with loads of snow for our first Christmas. Old Man Winter arrived way before December. For half a year, from October to April, we were in "Deep Freeze". Temperatures were at a low of 30 plus degree Celsius below zero! We had a "Temperature Shock", coming from a sunny island with an average temperature of 30 degree Celsius all year. The wind was blowing wildly even before the arrival of Old Man Winter. I remembered having to wrap a scarf around my face in the morning while walking my boys to school. And that was Autumn. The colours of Fall were visible for two weeks. The freezing rain came and the colourful leaves fell from the trees. For this winter, school was closed for three times due to blizzards.

For our second Winter, we enjoyed a "warmer" Winter. The rest of the Nation got it bad. School was closed only once.

This year ... we had a lovely Autumn, and snow started falling only in December! It was not as cold ... temperature lowest at 20 degree Celsius below zero, and there were not many days of such low temperatures. So far, school has not been closed because of any blizzard. Phew!

We are starting to enjoy our White Christmas.
To my dear friends back home, here's wishing you a Blessed Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

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