Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bunnies Everywhere!

When I saw these bunnies, made from fishcake, at AnnaTheRed's Bento Factory, I knew I had to make them, some day, for the kids' school lunch! The boys like fishcake, and these bunnies look real cute and easy to make.

Darling son YW's fever had gone down, but he would be staying home to rest today. Since I happened to have a tube of these Japanese fishcake sitting in my fridge, and the little fellow needed something light for lunch, I decided to borrow Anna's great idea and make bunnies for both the boys for their lunch!

I didn't have any black sesame seeds for the eyes. Tiny pieces of triangular cutout from a sheet of nori were used instead. These bunnies were put into a pan of boiling water, to get a "quick bath", before cooling and packing into KW's lunchbox for school. Besides the usual broccoli florets and carrots, there's also bacon wrapped asparagus. The little fellow staying home with me, would be having penne, long beans and fishcake bunnies for lunch.

Two more weeks to Chinese New Year. Looks like I'm all ready to welcome the Year of the Rabbit!


  1. Awwww! So many bunnies!
    Is it okay if I put a photo of your bunnies with a link to this page on the "your food" page on my blog?

    Let me know if you're okay with it. :)


  2. Hi Anna, thanks for sharing this cute bunny idea on your blog! Yes, would love to share the photo =D

  3. I Love this bunnies!!!! I love all your food creations! Come to my blog, I make some japaneese recipe too!

  4. Hi Serena! Thanks for dropping by. You have very nice photographs posted on your blog! Do tell us more about the book your boyfriend gave you =)
