Sunday, January 9, 2011


Darling son YW requested for a Ben 10 Alien Force themed Bento lunch.
I thought, ok, maybe I can do the Ben 10 logo. No, he wanted one of the aliens. Hmm ... Ok, let's do Echo-Echo.

"I can put the face of Echo-Echo in your lunchbox." I said to my boy.
"How about the whole body? Please!" came the reply.

Erh ... ok, I can try.
Since it was a Sunday morning, I had all the time to think, plan and try. I flipped through the pages of the Ben 10 Alien Force Complete Guidebook, and saw a figure of Echo Echo. I copied the picture onto a piece of parchment paper, but reduced the size of the figure so that it would fit nicely onto a slice of cheese. It was not difficult to draw and cut the figure out.

Here comes the difficult part ... outlining the figure! It was so tedious! No, this would not work for their lunchbox! I am not going to spend half an hour outlining the figure, not to mention I have two lunch boxes to pack! Will have to think of something else.

So here's the completed figure ... I put it on his fish fillet burger, his Sunday lunch. He peeled Echo-Echo off the burger, and put it into his mouth! My work, gone in one big mouthful!

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