Friday, February 11, 2011

100 Days of School!

Today is the 100th day of school! Activities for "100 Days of School" are lined up for the K/1 students. My boys love travelling on the Yellow School Bus. And, they were delighted to see the Yellow School Bus in their lunchbox this morning. On the way to school, I told the boys "Enjoy your 100th day in school", and Darling son KW said "Not for me".
The 2/3 students don't have activities lined up for them ... they are already counting beyond 1000!

Since I was busy in the kitchen, hurrying to pack the second bento, I requested Darling son KW to help take photographs of the first bento. He was all dressed up, snow pants and jackets, and was happy to oblige. After taking a few photographs, he realised that he had a little time to spare, and so he decided to try to take a self-portrait. He was so pleased with his photo shot, he ran into the kitchen to show me! "It was a good shot", I told him. So he went to school this morning, very, very happy indeed.

In the Bento, we have Ham flower, Sausage flowers, and many florets of broccoli! To all K/1 students ... Enjoy the activities for your 100th day of school!

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