Thursday, February 24, 2011

How about a Fish?

I was muttering to myself during dinner "What should I do for the bento tomorrow?" when Daring son KW answered "I know, a FISH!".

What an observant boy! He knows by now that the animals I put into the bentos have to be simple, and easy to make. He loves having animals in his bento, as he loves the eyes, which are usually made from cheese and nori.

I was watching a Hong Kong drama online that night and saw a Japanese Fish Kite in the show. Hmmm, maybe Darling son KW was right. I could do a fish for his bento. And so I did a search on the internet and came to Kaerenmama's blog. What a nice looking sausage fish she has there!

Since I was not keen to feed the boys only sausages for lunch, I pan fried some chicken thigh fillets, cut into bite size, to go with their lunch. When cooked, I poured a sauce over the pan of chicken thigh fillets, and they were ready to be packed in the lunch box when cooled.

2 tbsp Water
1 tbsp Miso (use less if need, depending on the type of miso you have)
1 tbsp Mirin
1/2 tbsp Soy Sauce

You can adjust the amount, depending on the type of miso paste you have. In fact, I used only half a tablespoon of miso paste, and added more water as I find the sauce too salty. Try the sauce and adjust the amount before pouring the sauce into the pan of cooked chicken pieces.

The remaining chicken went into hubby dear's lunchbox!
Here's some pretty tulips to go along with his lunch =)

Let's hope the tulips help to brighten their day, and the fish, to bring on a smile as they open their lunchbox!

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