Monday, March 7, 2011

3-Eye Alien from Toy Story

Meet the 3-Eye Alien from Toy Story! I'm in love these little green fellows. They are not the star in the show, but they are adorable.

To make the alien :

Blanch broccoli. Drain well.
Cut into very small pieces using a pair of scissors.
You can do this while the chicken pieces are being fried and the baby corn are being baked in the oven. Make good use of time.
There will be some chunky pieces of stems.
Remove them from the bowl, and use them as the ears of the alien.
Season with a little salt if you like a little flavor in your vegetables.
Add the rice in the bowl of broccoli and mix well.
Scoop rice (with broccoli) onto a piece of plastic wrap.
Shape the rice into a ball using the plastic wrap.
Remove wrap and put the rice ball into a cupcake liner.
Insert a jewel food pick on the top of the head.
Using a piping tip, cut 3 cheese circles, using the round base of the tip.
Using a punch of a pair of scissors, cut three nori circles.
Put the cheese and nori circles together and you get your three eyes!

Do I have too much time in hand?
Am I too free? No, I'm not.

It's a matter of choice. I choose to let my boys bring lunch to school, and I am thankful that I have this opportunity. Home lunch is definitely healthier than school lunch. And since I am already cooking and packing lunch, why not spend a little more time to "dress up" their lunch? So far, it had been great fun for me, and the boys had been enjoying the different bentos each day.

Hopefully, when they grow up and look back, they remember these bentos, and say "Oh, it was great fun to have them for lunch!". And that childhood to them is having the luxury of time to do what they like ... drawing, reading and outdoor activities. I definitely do not want them to look back and remember their childhood as having spending all their time on loads of school work! I choose to be a stay-home mom so that I can enjoy the boys' company, and for them to enjoy mine =)

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