Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bullet Bill Orb and The Piranha Flower

If you love Super Mario Bros, you will be familiar with the bullet and the piranha flower. But do you know their names? Well, I don't, until this week.

After I had decided that I would have a Mario-themed Bento Week for the boys, I searched the internet for images relating to Mario Bros. I was surprised to find that the above bullet is called Bullet Bill Orb. When I told Darling son KW that I would be making "the bullet" for his lunch, and he surprised me with his knowledge on Mario ... "Oh, that's Bullet Bill", he said.

In addition to Bullet Bill, he requested for the piranha flower. There are many flowers in Mario .. the Fire Flower, the Ice Flower, and the Piranha Flower. And the piranha flower in Mario is known as Pluck, the Piranha Flower.

As usual, I told my boy that I would have to think about what food to use, and how to go about presenting the Piranha Flower. He again surprised me with "Maybe you can use the strawberry, cut it up, and put cheese on it. Maybe the broccoli can be arranged to look like a pipe.".

And so, I took up his suggestion and came up with the piranha flower!
The boy had the structure, and I put in the details =)

  • Wash and pat dry the strawberry.
  • Cut the top into a "V".
  • From top down, slice the strawberry into three pieces.
  • Place the strawberry onto a food cup.

  • Using a small knife or a toothpick, cut out 2 sets of "teeth".
  • Place the "teeth" on the second and last slice of strawberry.
  • Cut the "mouth" and place it on the top most slice of strawberry.

Simple, isn't it? Forget about the spots on the flower. I just couldn't get the cheese circles to stick onto the body of the strawberry. I left out the stem and leaves of the piranha flower too, so just to simplify things.

In the bento, we have rice wrapped in nori, presented as Bullet Bill, blanched broccoli florets, oven-baked shaoxing chicken thigh fillet, and a strawberry, presented as Pluck, the Piranha Flower.

Who will we see tomorrow?

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