Wednesday, April 6, 2011

3-2-1 Blast Off!

Ok, I admit I'm getting a little lazy. Look at the rocket. No quite rocket-like. My consolation was that the boys did not bring the rockets home.

In the bento, there's chicken karaage, the boys' all time favorite, broccoli, and rice. I could have done a better job assembling the rocket. To make up for the sloppiness in my work, I baked a batch of banana muffins for the boys, to be eaten after school.

These banana muffins don't look very exciting, do they?
Look like any other muffins ... or so I thought.

The moment I sank my teeth into the first one, my hands reached for a second while the first was gone in a flash! The boys came home and had two each, plus a couple of mini ones. These muffins are addictive! They are moist and soft. My boys love the chunks of banana hidden inside the muffins. And did I mention they were very easy to make?

The recipe is adapted from RasaMalaysia. I halved the recipe and made some changes to the quantity of ingredients ... for my convenience =)

1 cup All Purpose Flour
3/4 tsp Baking Soda (Erh, I used Baking Powder by mistake and it turned out ok)
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Unsalted Butter, melted
1/2 cup Sugar
3 Over-riped Bananas
1 Large Egg
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence

  • Preheat oven to 375F and line muffin pans with baking cups.
  • Melt butter and let cool slightly.
  • Mash two bananas.
  • Break the third into half, and put it into the mixing bowl, together with the flour, baking soda, sugar, egg, vanilla essence and melted butter.
  • Beat the ingredients with a mixer for 3 minutes, or till the ingredients are blended.
  • Fold in the mashed banana with a rubber spatula.
  • Spoon the batter into the baking cups.
  • Bake for 20 minutes, or till the muffins turn golden brown.
  • Let cool on rack.
  • Makes 12 small muffins, and 12 mini sized muffins.

In my hurry to bake, I used baking powder, instead of baking soda as stated. However, the muffins turned out ok, phew! By evening, only a quarter of the muffins were left. I will definitely be baking these muffins again, using baking soda, just to check out the difference =)

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