Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crustless Quiche

I love quiche but I really dislike preparing, kneading and rolling the pastry dough for the base. So when I saw the recipe for "Crustless Quiche" posted by The Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen, I knew I had to bookmark it.

This recipe yields a delicious dinner! Ok, that's for me and darling son YW. Hubby dear and darling son KW are no fans of quiche. They dislike the "softness" of the quiche. But nonetheless, they finished their dinner.

I'm the opposite of them. I like this dish and I like that it is easy to prepare. I also like that you can use whatever ingredients you have on hand to "fill" the quiche. Instead of using canned salmon as stated in the recipe, I opted for salmon fillets. Since I need to be out, I cooked the salmon in the morning, flaked it, and set it aside for use later in the evening. I also blanched the spinach, let cool, and squeezed out the excess water. All I needed to do when I return home in the late afternoon, was to put all the ingredients together in a baking tray, and send the tray into the oven.
Fuss free and simple.

1/2 cup Flour
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
4 Eggs
2 cups Low fat Milk
75g Butter, melted

2 Salmon fillets
2 Ham Slices
1 bag Baby Spinach Leaves
1/2 cup Grated cheese (I use Cheddar Cheese)
1 Tomato, cut into rings (optional)

A dash of black pepper and salt, to taste.

  • Clean and pat dry salmon fillets.
  • Season with a little sea salt. Spray a little oil over the fillets.
  • Put the fillets in a tray lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake at 400F till fully cooked.
  • Remove from oven and let cool.
  • Flake the cooked salmon into smaller pieces. Set aside.
  • Blanched the bag of baby spinach.
  • Let cool. Squeeze out the excess water.
  • Cut the spinach, using a pair of kitchen scissors, into smaller pieces.
  • Set aside for later use.
  • Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl.
  • Stir in eggs, milk and melted butter.
  • Add the blanched spinach. Stir to mix well.
  • Add salmon, ham, and grated cheese.
  • Pour the mixture into a large greased baking pan.
  • Bake at 350F/180C for about 45 minutes or till set.
  • Let cool before slicing.

I poured the mixture into an 8-inch disposal square baking tray. The remaining mixture went into a small disposal loaf pan. The baked quiche in the small loaf pan tasted just as good the next day. I will bake this again, for myself, when the boys and the man are not at home =)

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