Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Eggs

TGIF! It's Friday, and it is also the last day of the school term. It's finally the end of the week! Spring Break starts next week! The kids will be home the whole week. Arrrgh ... It will be a test of my tolerance and patience, really. Two boys, 24/7, and "partners in crime". Sometimes, I do think about how life will be like if I have two girls instead =) I'm praying for good weather so that I can bring the boys out to play.

Ok, back to their bento. The boys love chicken karaage, and they always ask for a bite when I pack the lunch boxes. After having stood in front of the wok for half an hour, frying the karaage, I don't really have much time left to do other things. So I settled for three simply decorated easter eggs. The eggs were cut using an oval shaped cutter. Then I "decorated" the eggs using other cutters ... stars, circle, and wave. Add a few strips of nori here and there, and they're done =)

So I will be taking a break from Bento-making next week! Time to try out some new bakes, since the two boys always tell me "I'm hungry". Hmm, time to surf the internet for new recipes!

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