Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Braces and Meals

Darling son KW is finding it hard to chew with his braces on. He is starting to eat less of his favorite ovenbaked chicken. He tends to grind his teeth in his sleep, and with the braces on, it's without a doubt that he gets cold sores on the sides of his mouth.

So for today's lunch, I decided to give him something he likes, and easy to chew. Ham, strawberries, and egg roll with nori, and a slice of fishcake.

Before putting on the braces, he eats quite a substantial amount, but he doesn't seem to grow fat. I'm envious =P Now that he has the braces on and finding it uncomfortable to chew, I have to change my menu a little. More "soft" and easy to chew food. I do not wish to have the already skinny boy becoming skinnier.

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