Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Sing

Today is the day for Spring Sing!
So I prepared a "Spring Sing" bento for the boys =)

This is the third year Darling Son KW is participating in the event, the second for Darling Son YW, and the first time I am attending the event!
I had so much fun watching the kids performed!

And the one in the photograph is the one and only music teacher in the school. Spring Sing is a yearly event organised by the school. The kids sing the songs they learn in music class, and on the day of Spring Song, performed on stage for parents. The K/1 classes wrote lyrics for their songs. The theme of their songs? Rhyming words. So they sung songs like "I wish, I wish, I wish for a fish in a dish.". They also had fun songs like "Throw my homework into the sea!". I really love how they combine English learning and music together!

As for the Grade2/3 students, the theme for their songs is "Seasons". They wrote about the four seasons and the things they did for these seasons. Here's a song on Spring and Mud, since it gets rainy in Spring, and you get mud everywhere!

In social studies for the Grade 2/3, they were taught the different states of the United States. And they wrapped up their performance with a song about the 50 states! But my memory card ran out of memory space halfway through recording the song! Haiz! Will definitely make sure I have a spare card for next year's performance!

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