Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Author's Tea

We missed the Author's Tea last year, when Darling son KW was in Grade 2, as we flew back home for vacation. This year, we had to attend, as this would be the last year my boy would be in Mrs W's class.

The Author's Tea showcased stories written by the students. Do you see the Author's Chair in the photo above? Well, that's the chair for our little authors. They grabbed their book, sat on the chair, and with their parents sitting besides them, read the story out loud for everyone!

Well, the kids were given the freedom to write on anything they want. It could be a fiction or a non-fiction story. Most kids chose fiction, while one girl wrote about whales. The class was taught a unit on Whales and Mammals. Darling son chose to write a story about a friend's Grandma who swallowed a fly.

Seriously, the parents play no part in helping to write the story. The story and story illustrations were done in class. We had no idea what our kids were going to read to us. So you see the amusement on the adults' faces when the kids read "I love playing computer games, but I had to share the computer with my Dad." or "My dad ......".

We had a good time, and we sat through a 1.5-hour session, listening the stories. The event started at 6.30pm at the school library, and when it ended, it was almost 8pm! The kids were hungry, and were happily munching away the cookies brought to the event by the parents.

The boys were tired by the end they went to bed. And Darling son KW came to us and said "Thank you for coming to my author's tea.". So sweet. And we told him we enjoyed his story!


  1. KW seriously draws really well! Good job!
    btw, the stories you mentioned in earlier posts and even this one about swallowing a fly are all familiar ones that ds1 and ds2 also did in their schools. I wonder if the US and Sg schools follow the same reading lists?

  2. KW loves drawing, definitely. So I guess when you draw all the time, you improve and get better? I think KW remembered THE FLY GUY story series, and changed the story a little. The FLY GUY is an american publication, so I guess if SG schools put it on their reading lists, then it should be similar?

  3. The click clack moo, and Mrs Wishy Washy are familiar too. The fly one I was referring to is "The Old Lady who swallowed a fly", wonder if KW did that too?
    My FB has a video of that I think, ds2's class read that for Readers' Theatre and I enjoyed it cos it's a funny poem/ story.

  4. you are right. they are standard books in the classroom, which kids can pick up to read during their free choice or reading time (beside library period).

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