Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh Mummy!

What a busy morning! I was in such a hurry, I managed only a decent shot of the boys' bento! Only one photo was in focused .. the rest turned out blurry.

Got the "Mummy" idea from CuteFoodForKids. Check out how to create the Mummy in her step-by-step tutorial. I replaced the bread with a rice.

Darling sons came home without the Mummy =)
KW told me that his friend came over to him during lunch, but walked away from the lunch table, disappointed. "My mom is doing Halloween bentos, so no more Angry Birds." he told his friend. He was secretly happy that there was no more Angry Birds as he could now "Eat in peace, without anyone disturbing him.", I quote him.

Maybe some day, an Angry Bird will make an appearance again =D

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