Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall Foliage

Fall is my favorite season. It is cool, and on a good sunny day, it feels great to stand under the warm sun, and yet, not perspire. And I love the "show" put up by the trees during this season!

Look how pretty the leaves are, with the sunlight shinning through the branches.

Love the colour combination on the leaves ... green, rich red, and brown.

Soon the leaves will turn brittle and brown, and cover the ground outside our apartment.

This is our fourth Fall in the woods. The fall colours for the last three seasons were not as vibrant. The weather was either too cold, too wet with freezing rain, too windy, or too hot. If the leaves did change colour, it didn't survive a day with the crazily blowing wind. But this year is different!
Just the right temperature, with not many days of strong wind.

A little bird flew and rested on a tree branch just outside my bedroom window. Is he inviting me to go out for a walk?

And so, I did. These colours greeted me as I made my way out of the estate. I love the pink!

I drove by this maple tree many times, but never got a chance to take a photograph of it. It's amazing how many things you get to see when you find time to walk and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Most of the leaves on this tree have turned orange. A nearby maple tree has its leaves turning brown. The weather had been hot for the last two days.

The tree glows, when the sun shines on it.

Fallen red maple leaves on the sidewalk.
Time to rake those leaves in your lawn.

Walking, looking around ... and UP.

Remember to look down too. I like the way the tiny yellow leaves fall and line the sides of the road. Will try to take a photograph of it.

Spotted some pretty flowers along the way.

Maybe I should bike the next time I'm out to check out the colours =D


  1. Thanks for sharing your lovely is as though I have just taken a walk under the blazing trees :)

    It is almost impossible for us to travel at this time of the year with the school exams just round the corner. Will only probably be able to do so in another 10 years time. So, do take this opportunity to appreciate the wonderful four seasons...I am sure these are the most memorable years in your life.

  2. I'm glad my kids have a chance to experience the different seasons, interact with kids from different countries, and learn about different cultures. Although I'm a little stressed out thinking about them going back to the Sg school system.

    When you get the chance to travel in Fall, you will love it, especially when your kids are teenagers. You could do so much more! The time will come =D

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