Friday, March 9, 2012

Love for Basketball

Hubby is a fan of the NBA Games. He will faithfully follow the games every season. So what is staying in the woods without a visit to the game centre to catch at least one NBA game? For this season, we could either catch the New York Knicks in Chicago (against the Chicago Bulls), or in Milwaukee, against the Milwaukee Bucks. Milwaukee is definitely nearer for us than Chicago. The thought of getting through the traffic mess in Chicago is enough to put us off, not to mention having to pay more for the tickets.

So off we went, on a Friday afternoon, immediately after picking the kids up from school. The kids were excited about going to watch a NBA LIVE game. The little one even said "I'm going to make a poster for the Milwaukee Bucks! I'm supporting the Bucks since Pa is supporting Knicks!".

Getting to Bradley Centre was not as bad as we thought, although there was a long line of cars trying to get into the car parks. I was very glad that Hubby had the foresight to purchase a parking coupon in advance. Even though we were there on time, the car park was almost filled. We had to go all the way to the topmost floor to park.

Hubby bought tickets for seats at the section behind the Knicks. Fans of Knicks were cheering loudly for their team throughout the game. It was a treat to be able to see the players and game up close! I had a great time watching the game, although a little disappointed with the way Knicks played. At half time,  we were all wowed by the cyclists and their amazing stunts. Very impressive. And my little boy was happily holding onto the free gift he received at the entrance throughout the game ... a Brandon Jennings Bobblehead.

A little fan of Bucks cheering for his team! We left a couple of seconds before the game ended. Knicks was playing so badly, that we knew there was no chance for extra time. In a way, it was good, as it was almost 10pm, and the kids were tired and sleepy. It was almost midnight when we arrived home. A tiring but memorial day for me and the kids, as this was our very first attendance at a NBA game =D

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