Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

It's the tme of the year for apple-picking!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
And we went home with 13 pounds of apples. 
Sweet yummy gala apples! 

The apples seemed to taste sweeter when you picked them from the tree yourself =)

The boys had never seen apple trees before. 

Neither had I. 

My little boy enjoyed picking the apples.

We had to carry him on our shoulder as he was too short to reach the apples on the tree.

The elder one had a great time pulling the cart of apples picked.

There were other fruits for picking too ... grapes, raspberries, tomatoes, and many others. 

It was a good experience for the kids, being close to nature. 

One of the bigger boys in our group caught a frog. 

A lovely green frog. 

But he threw it at his mother and me! 
Really gave me a scare. 
I'm sure the poor frog got a rude shock too.
Boys are boys ...... these are the things bigger boys enjoy doing ... sigh.

Our little boys were more interested in the many ladybugs that were resting on the leaves. 

It was a fun trip, and we would definitely visit the orchard again next year and try picking other fruits!


  1. eh, wish both our families could do it together.

  2. come visit us in Fall, yah? then we can go apple picking together! that would be fun! four boys!!! "apple" fight? =)
