Monday, September 15, 2008

The Bento Family

Darling son and dear hubby have been using the "Lock & Lock" boxes as their lunchbox since the start of the new school term.

The boxes served them well, especially for darling son. It is easy for him to open. It saves him a lot of time, especially when lunch is only thirty minutes. You don't want to get him to waste half the time trying to get help to open his lunchbox.

But as the leaves on the maple and oak trees started to fall, I realised that these boxes no longer kept their lunch warm. Especially on rainy autumn days. The lunchbag didn't help in keeping the lunchbox warm either. Sigh. And I recalled not seeing any thermal lunchbox at the departmental stores that I had visited. Double sigh. And hence, a frantic online search began ..... and I finally found them!

Introducing to you ...
Mr Bento (for my dear), Ms Bento (for darling son), and a baby thermal food jar.

Ok, they didn't arrive as a family.
Mr Bento was so popular that he was out-of-stock when I ordered.
I had to wait.

Mr Bento is great for carrying dear hubby's lunch!
There's a container for hot soup.
The soup was still warm when he drank it.
There's a container for rice, and another two for the side dishes.
Good capacity.
The lunchbox comes with a over-the-shoulder-bag and a fork-like spoon. Excellent.

Ms Bento has a smaller capacity.
There's a container for rice, and another for sides.
It is easy for darling son to open and close the thermal jar.
The only tough part is opening the side dish container.
In the end, only the rice container is used, since it is big enough to hold his rice, meat and vegetables.
I love the fact that the opening of the rice container is big, making it easy for him to scoop his rice without making a mess.
I like the lunchbag that comes with the lunchbox.
There's a pair of chopsticks too.
And the lunchbag easily holds the lunchbox and a water bottle.

As for the baby thermal jar ... I used it to hold the hot rice for the old man while I was waiting for Mr Bento to arrive. It is not so user friendly for kids, as it is hard to open, and the opening is small, making it difficult for kids to scoop their rice. Although it sits in the cupboard most of the time now, I am sure I will find a use for it eventually, especially in Winter!

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