Friday, December 19, 2008

Run, run, as fast as you can!

Run, run, as fast as you can,
you can't catch ME, I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Run, run, as fast as you can,
you can't catch HIM, he's the Gingerbread Man!

Darling sons loved the Gingerbread Man. They would ask me to read them the story of the Gingerbread Man/Boy/Baby.
They would sing, non-stop, the song of the Gingerbread Man.
They would bug me to bake them "Gingerbread Man" cookies.
"Can I have my gingerbread man? Where is my gingerbread man, Mom?"
Gosh, all I think of all day is ... Gingerbread Man.

Hence, as soon as my new cutters arrived, I quickly prepared the dough for sugar cookie, with plans to use the cutters for the dough. The dough had been sitting in my fridge for a day already.

Since the kids had no school today, due to the winter storm, it was a good time to bake the cookies! I rolled the dough, cut the dough, baked the cookies, and decorated the first batch with M&Ms and colourful sprinkles, and frosted them using icing sugar mixed with a little milk.

Darling son KW was interested in frosting too.
He did a good job in frosting! I am impressed.
They both had a great time eating the cookies!

What an eventful "winter-storm" day!

  • School was closed.
  • Baked brownies using new silicon moulds in morning.
  • Baked cookies using new holiday cookie cutters.
  • Frosted the brownies and cookies.
  • Shovelled piles and piles of snow ... back-breaking!
  • Walking through knee-depth snow
  • Sledding!
  • Not forgetting the usual tasks of cooking and washing up.

I'm EXHAUSTED ... but I had FUN!

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