Friday, December 19, 2008

Spiders, Webs, and Trees!

Darling sons have been bugging me to bake them "Gingerbread Man" cookies for days. But I don't have any gingerbread man cookie cutters.
Neither can I find any at the neighbourhood supermarket. Sigh.

I went online last weekend, hoping to find some nice holiday cutters.
I must have been mad that day ... not only did I shop for holiday cookie cutters, I ended up buying silicon baking moulds! One with six christmas trees, and another with spiders and spider webs. My purchases arrived yesterday. Perfect timing!

There was no school today, due to a winter storm.
So early in the morning, I baked brownies, using my new silicon baking moulds! I had fun frosting!


  1. Don't feel bad. I too stocked up a lot on baking materials, including silicon moulds too, over there and online too. Glad you did it too, so I can tell Dh I'm not the only one. haha.
