Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring Fever

I was running a fever at high 39C on Thursday. 
I felt better after taking the fever medicine, and was happily hopping to pick my gor gor up from school in the afternoon. But the fever went up to 40C at night. I felt so weak the next day, my Papa brought me to see the doctor at the urgent care clinic. Doctor said it was likely due to a viral infection (Spring fever) and my fever should come down in 48 hours. I should continue to take the fever medicine. I felt weak the whole day, and all I could do was lie in bed. 

Today, my temperature went down to high 37C! 
Just like what the doctor had said! 
I was very happy. I talked and I danced around the house in the morning. But my gor gor was starting to fall sick ... his temperature was going up! 
It was at high 38C by lunch ... Gor Gor would have to sleep with Mama tonight, as she would sponge him if necessary. Poor Mama, it's her third day on night duty ..

I hope Gor Gor get well soon. We can then go out and play together! 

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