Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Doggies!

My kids love these Horlicks Doggies Cookies. When we were back on the island called The Little Red Dot, I used to make them quite frequently. However, Horlicks is not easily available in the woods. I requested my mom to send a packet of Horlicks over, and made these cookies during the last week of summer vacation. Gosh, within a day, they were gone!

The cookies I made in the woods looked no where like the ones in the first photograph. There was no Cocoa Crunch for the ears, and I ran out of mini-chocolate chips. Just had to make do with whatever I could get from the supermarket. They looked a little different ...

13 tbsp, 180g Butter
1/2 cup, 80g Horlicks
1 3/4 cup, 200g Flour
3.5 tbsp, 25g Corn Flour
25g Milk Powder (I omit this)

Chocolate Rice For the eyes
Mini Chocolate Chips For the nose
Cocoa Crunch For the eyes

  • Preheat oven to 14oC.
  • Cream butter and horlicks.
  • Add flour, corn flour, milk powder.
  • Mix well to form a dough.
  • Chill the dough in the fridge if the dough is too soft to handle.
  • Divide the dough into balls of 10g each.
  • Bake approximately 25 minutes, or till done.

What do you say?
Woof woof?
Oink oink?
Squeak squeak?

I say ... Munch! Yummy!

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