Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Love School!

"I love school!".
"I'm exhausted".

The above sumed up how darling son YW felt for the first two days of school. School started on 1 September. He is now officially, a Kindergarten boy. He can finally be like gor gor: carry his own bag, lunch bag, and attend school, instead of walking back home with me after sending gor gor off to school.

The most exciting part for darling son YW is that he is placed in the same classroom as his gor gor last year! He also gets the same teacher, Mrs M, and some of his gor gor's friends are now his classmates! These friends are first graders, as YW is placed in a Kindergarten/Grade 1 combined class. He is indeed, very happy, to see some familiar faces on the first day of school. The familiar classroom helps in easing his worries of being in a classroom filled with many unfamiliar faces, and being alone.

"School is boring."
"I wish I could stay at home."
Darling son KW, a second grader this new term, however, is not too keen about school. His many friends last year are separated from him this term. In addition, there is homework every day, Home Journal Writing. Well, I guess he will eventually get to make new friends, and slowly (though painfully for me and him), get used to Home Journal Writing every day of the week.

With the boys out of the house, I get more time to do my own stuff ... exercising, reading a book without any interruptions, baking and cooking without having to hurry. Yeah!

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