Monday, November 2, 2009

Hanbagu Turned Meat Balls!

Hanbagu, a Japanese minced meat patty.
Sounds like Hamburger, doesn't it?

I found the recipe of Hanbagu from HappyHomeBaking.
The first time I made it, I fried it in a pan. The patty was crispy on the outside, soft and juicy on the inside. I was really surprised at its juicyness! The boys and the man liked the patty. They ate the patty with their rice, and were happy. After a successful first attempt, I paired the patty with a hamburger the second time. Included some tomatoes and lettuce. It was good. However, we could never finish the amount that was cooked. So this time round, I decided I would turn the patties into meatballs! Especially so, since my little boy had been telling me about his friends loving spaghetti and meatballs. However, instead of frying them, I baked them! It was delicious, but not as crispy as I wanted them to be.

400g Ground Beef/Pork/Chicken/Turkey
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Salt
4 tbsp Breadcrumbs (I used Panko)
3 tbsp Milk
1/2 Onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp Butter

  • Saute the finely chopped onions with the butter, till transparent.
  • Set aside to cool.
  • Add to meat and mix well.
  • Soak breadcrumbs in milk.
  • Mix meat, egg, salt, and breadcrumbs mixture.
  • Roll the meat into balls.
  • Coat the meatballs with some olive oil.
  • Put them into a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake at 400F for about 30 minutes, or till cooked.
  • Change the oven from Bake to Broil. Grill till the tops of the meatballs are cripsy. Watch the oven, or the meatballs may burnt.

Instead of spaghetti, I used Whole Wheat Penne.
We finished the plate of baked meatballs!
I cooked a little too much pasta for the night. Well, the extra pasta would go into the boys' lunchbox tomorrow morning!

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