Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bento and Leftover Pasta

This was my lunch, the leftover after packing the boys' lunchboxes.
I didn't have time to take a picture after packing their lunchboxes.

And lunch was leftover pasta from last night's dinner. I sprinkled a little olive oil into the container of leftover pasta, and kept it in the fridge for today's lunch. All I needed to do this morning was cooked the meat, and microwaved the broccoli! Instead of using spaghetti sauce, I used the sauce from the meat to flavor the pasta.

I cooked Miso Chicken. Would love to use minced turkey (softer texture), but I didn't have any in the fridge. I added a little more miso paste, and some water. When the meat was cooked, I added some cornstarch mixture, to thicken the sauce. The pasta was added into the pot of miso chicken.
Ta Da! Done! Let cool before packing in the lunchboxes. Arrange the broccoli florets nicely beside the pasta.

Are you ready for lunch?

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
