Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Sealed" Toast?

"Sealed" Toast?

Yes, I used my new "toy", the Sandwich de Panda Sandwich mold, to "seal" the edges of the two slices of bread. The mold cuts the crust around the slice of bread, and then "seal" the two slices of bread together. Wow! It was so neat!

Fillings for the bread?
Spreadable strawberry cream cheese on the two slices of bread.
Sliced ham, sliced cherry tomatoes, and some shredded cheddar cheese.

I especially like the Panda stamp on the bread!
The panda stamp would have been more distinct if I had used white bread instead of whole wheat bread.

Nonetheless, it was a yummy, crispy, creamy and toasty brunch for me!

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