Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Darling son YW brought home from school this painting.
It's a turkey. And along with it came a little message ......

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day, even though we had been living in the woods for the past two years. However, we do take a moment to think about, together with the kids, what we are thankful for.

Last year, darling son YW came home from school with a list of things he was thankful for ... Family, Friends, Books, Reading, Apples (as he went apple picking with his classmates), Lego.

This year, he gave me this little notebook.

"Where did you get the notebook?".
"It's my prize from class.".

Wow. I am truly touched. He is giving his prize to me.
That is his way of saying "Thank You".

As a wife and mother, I am thankful for the time I have with my family.
I am thankful for a loving husband, who is always there for me.
I am thankful for the opportunity to stay home, watching my boys grow, and witnessing each milestone they achieve.

As a daughter, I am thankful that we are always in our parents' thought.
I am thankful that my mom is taking things positively, with a good spirit, even though she is diagnosed with breast cancer.
I am thankful that my dad is with her, giving her the support she needs.

What are you thankful for, on this Thanksgiving Day?
Happy Thanksgiving!

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