Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Has it been 10 years already?

Hubby dear posted this on his facebook page this morning ......
" I celebrate my wife's wise decision ten years ago".
And so, I celebrate with him today, for saying "I do" ten years ago =D

No elaborate celebration.
Just a simple lunch at Sushi Muramoto.
I am off lunch duty today!

In the afternoon on the way to pick the boys up from school, one mom commented "It was really nice of your husband to walk the boys to school every morning!". Indeed, having him walk the boys to school makes life in the morning less stressful for me. I don't have to be in such a hurry to cook, pack and clean up after the morning battle with the lunchboxes and breakfast mess. The boys love having him to walk them to school too.

He was right. It was a wise decision I made ten years ago =)
Thank you, dear, for embarking on this journey with me ......

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