Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Second Day of School

After two weeks of cooking meals at a leisurely pace, I had forgotten how the school term mornings were suppose to be like ... rushing to prepare breakfast and lunch, packing lunch, washing up and getting the kids out of the house to school. Most importantly, I was so happy that the kids were going back to school that I forgot the lunch planning. The boys' packed lunch on the first day of school was a disaster! It was a cook-and-pour into the lunchbox type of lunch. Sigh. I just couldn't get my "engine" to start! It was no surprise that the kids came home with a lunch box half-emptied.

"I didn't have time to eat, sorry."
"Our class went to the lunchroom late."
The boys were being nice, so as not to hurt my feelings.

To make up for the lousy first day lunch, I tried to do a nicer, and hopefully, more appetizing lunchbox on the second day of school.

I used a BOY rice mould, and a little BEAR mould for the rice. Blanched some broccoli and carrots. Pan-fried some Shaoxing chicken pieces. And the boys came home with an empty lunchbox, phew!

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