Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Bunny Year!

It's the first day of the Chinese New Year! A bunny bento for the boys, to start off the Lunar New Year! Welcome, Bunny =)

A sketch of what I wanted to pack for their bento! I realise that when there is no sketch, I end up with either too much food, or not enough food to fill the space! A lot of time is wasted in trying to get food here and there, or to arrange and re-arrange the food. The rabbit didn't turn out as round as I wanted it to be ... it was a challenging task shaping the hot rice!

In the bento, we have ... Japanese steamed fishcake, broccoli, "flower" ham, and a strawberry.

在新的一年里,祝大家新年快乐, 大吉大利,心想事成, 好事成双!

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