Friday, February 4, 2011

The Bunnies Strike ... Again!

It is lonesome when there's just one of you .... zzzzz .....

Add another ... oh so sweet!

A pair of bunnies to celebrate the second day of the Chinese New Year!
Do I hear you say ... Valentine's Day??

Making these Bunny Maki Sushi was not that difficult.
Thanks Susan, for sharing the "How To".
Hop over to Hawaii's Bento Box Cookbook - Bentos and More for Kids, for a detailed step by step instruction on rolling the Bunny Maki Sushi!

My little boy ran over while I was packing the sushi into the lunchbox, and said .. it's a pig! Haiz! A pig with long bunny-like ears? Maybe I should just remove the slice of cheese ...

Anyway, in the bento ... Bunny maki sushi made with SPAM and sausage, and broccoli florets.

A "no fuss" meal, according to my elder boy.
"I don't have to decide what to eat first. I just pick it up and pop it into my mouth!" said Darling son KW.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! "Out of the mouth of babes!" I have actually never tried sushi, sounds like I am missing something!
