Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pan-Fried Salmon Steak

We were happy when we saw this salmon steak at the supermarket. Most of the salmon we saw at the supermarket were salmon fillets. Somehow, the texture is different from that of a salmon steak. Of course, we were delighted to pan fry the salmon steak for dinner =)

1/2 pound Salmon Steak
1 tbsp Mirin
1 tbsp Soy Sauce (I use Kikkomann's Low Sodium Soy)
1 tsp Sugar
1-2 tbsp Butter/Olive Oil

  • Wash and pat dry the salmon steak.
  • Heat up a frying pan.
  • Add butter/olive oil to coat the pan.
  • When butter/olive oil is hot, carefully add the salmon steak.
  • Make sure the steak is dry, or the oil will splatter.
  • Pan fry on medium heat, till one side is browned.
  • Turn over and continue to pan fry till both sides are browned, and the steak is thoroughly cooked.
  • Remove salmon steak from pan.
  • Using a paper towel, absorb the excess oil if any, leaving a little in the still heated pan.
  • Mix the marinade in a bowl, and pour into the pan.
  • Give it a quick stir, remove and pour over the salmon steak.
  • Serve warm.

The salmon steak were fried till crispy on both sides. The sauce adds a nice sweet taste to the meat, with a tinge of saltiness. A bit of cleaning up to do after the frying, but well worth the effort!


  1. Hi...I was googling recipes for pan fried salmon steaks and I felt yours was by far my favorite. My kind of ingredients. I'm a soy sauce kind of guy. I just wanted to ask you...Is the skin going to be crispy? My girlfriend LOVES crispy skin so I just wanted to know if it will turn out that way if I follow this recipe.


  2. Hi Mick,

    If you are using a salmon fillet, the kind with skin on one side and the flesh on the other, you will get crispy skin if you fry it long enough.

    If you are using a salmon steak, the edges will be crispy, but the centre of the skin strip may not be as crispy as you would like it to be. Again, it depends on how thick your salmon steak is.

    Hope it helps and that your girlfriend like the dish =)
