Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rice Parcel

Darling son KW had diarrhea twice last night. It was 10pm when he went the second time, and he fell asleep almost immediately after he returned to his bed.

Although he seemed alright this morning, I was not keen to give him any dairy products for breakfast or lunch. He had a slice of plain bread with a cup of Milo, instead of the usual cereal in milk. As for lunch, no cheese cut-outs. Just a simple rice parcel, with nori strips attached, and a jeweled food pick to brighten up the parcel =)

In the bento, there are blanched florets of broccoli, sprinkled with a little sea salt, a couple of "Hanbagu", which I put on paper kitchen towel to soak up the oil, and the rice parcel! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed, that my boy will not be having diarrhea again today.

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