Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Skunk, from The Green Stack

Yet another character from DCWV The Green Stack ... the Skunk!

It's the usual for the boys, as I'm running out of ideas as to what to cook for them for lunch, not to mention everyday dinner. In the bento, they have their usual florets of broccoli, chicken karaage (their all time favorite), and rice sprinkled with a little furikake. They just need to have rice in their lunchbox, or they will go hungry very quickly. Especially now that the school hours have been extended by another 20 minutes, to make up for the three days of school closure due to significant staff absences during the week of protests. The boys are now released at 3.40pm, and they need the carbohydrates to last them through the long day. I call them "my little 小饭桶" . Translated, it means "Little Rice Buckets" (affectionately).

Here's the fellow from DCWV The Green Stack. Skunk, he may be, but a very cute and adorable one!

Time to surf the internet for new recipes!

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